
How it works

Use the Rate my Trainer platform to its full potential.

Step 1.

Sign Up

We offer 2 types of accounts: one for Personal trainers and another for Visitors looking for PTs and health professionals. 

At sign up make sure you select whether you are a PT or a visitor to ensure you have the correct access. PT account are able to create a PT listing after sign up.

While site visitors can find a PT and contact them without an account, they do need to sign up in order to submit reviews, rate PTs, follow, message them etc. via the platform.

Check out these YouTube videos to create a FREE Visitor account or to create a FREE Personal trainer account.

Step 2.

Create your PT profile page

After signing up for your FREE Personal Trainer account you will be automatically routed to fill out the information you would want to include in your Trainer profile. 

Fill out all the necessary information and your profile page will be ready to be shared with the world.

This YouTube video will make it even easier.

Account: step by step

Create account

Visitors or Personal trainers:

Trainers and visitors who would like to take advantage of the full functionality of the site needs to create an Account. All accounts for Personal Trainers and Visitors are FREE. You don’t need an account if you would just like to browse the website to find a trainer that perfectly fits your needs. Even without an account you will still be able to contact them via phone or email and see all their information.

Make sure you select the “Personal Trainer” or “Visitor” account at sign up. The “Personal Trainer” account will allow you to create your PT profile containing all your info and contact information.

To create an account click on the ‘Account’ link in the menu or go directly to the Sign up page.

Select your role: PTs must select the ‘Personal trainer’ option, while everyone else should sign up as a ‘Visitor’. 

1 create an account

Enter your name; email address and password. Agree to the Terms&Conditions and Privacy Policy and click on ‘Sign up’.

This YouTube video shows how to create a free visitor account, and this one takes you through the seps of creating a FREE personal trainer account.

A confirmation code will be sent to you to the email you have provided. If you don’t receive it, please check your ‘Spam’ folder as sometimes, although rarely, emails end up there. Enter the confirmation code in the ‘Confirmation code’ field and click on ‘Submit’. 

Your profile is now created. You will be taken to the Membership plans page in the next step.

rmt confirm 1

This is all that site visitors need to complete. After this you will be able to post reviews, rate trainers, message them, follow them and create collections of your favourites.

Personal trainers should complete the next steps in order to have a Trainer profile page published.

All registered users, whether on a free or paid plan will have an account dashboard.  Here you can use the menu to update your profile settings, see messages,  change or cancel your membership, update Profile pages if you have any, view collections etc. You can find out how on the in the ‘Manage account’ section below. You must be logged in to view your account. 

rmt profile 1 

Personal trainers additional steps:

The platform offers the FREE ‘Perfect Fit‘ plan to personal trainers who would like to showcase their business listing.

Check out the various features of the plan on the Membership plans page.

After signing up for your FREE account you will automatically be directed to a form that allows you to enter all the information you require to create and showcase your Trainer profile. This is explained in the ‘Profile pages: step by step’ section a little further down this page.

You can watch this YouTube video which shows the process step by step. 

Manage account

Once you have created an account and are logged into the platform you can use the account menu to manage your account and activity.

On the Account page you will see an option to edit your information [pencil icon]. Clicking on that will allow you to upload a Profile picture or logo. While we will default our logo here, it is best that you upload a pic of yourself. This pic will appear when you post messages and comments. 

If you have created a Profile page, you will see that at the top of the page with options to Edit; View; or Delete it.

At the bottom of the page you can see your wall showing any of your posts.

account update2

This page shows Any Profile pages that you may have created and is only visible to Personal trainers on the Perfect fit plan. While currently you will only see one, you will have options in future releases to add others, like events, merch etc. Read more about Profile pages in the ‘Profile pages: step by step’ section.

rmt lisitings

This page shows any orders for Services or Products a visitor has places and a PT has received from visitors to the site. From here you are able to review the orders and see their details and status. As a PT you can approve or cancel these and see the order details, like customer name, contact details, goods or services ordered, etc. 

Watch this YouTube video to see the Bookings for services and products functionality in action.

V04 14 Status will change to Completed

Note: Payments for orders are not processed on the website and need to be managed by each PT and customer offline.

This page shows your Inbox where you will be able to see all messages sent to you via the website. You can respond to messages and add images as well as text. Watch this YouTube video to see the messaging functionality in action.

You will receive notifications that tell you that you have new messages as soon as these are posted on the website.

rmt inbox1

This page shows all collections you have created on the site. You can view your collections or delete them here.

Watch this YouTube video to see how Collections work.

Collections can be created of Personal trainer listings by clicking on the ‘Save to collection’ icon.

You can open each collection to see what has been saved, you can edit the collection, and delete saved items from it.


This page shows your current membership plan.

If you are on the Free Visitor plan, you are able to switch to a Personal Trainer role and transfer to the Perfect Fit plan which will allow you to create a PT profile listing.

3.1 membership on free plan

If you are on the Perfect fit plan you can:

  • Cancel the plan. When a plan is cancelled before it’s end date, it will stay active until the end date is reached.

This is where you can:

  • Update your account email address
  • Update your password
  • Log out

rmt account

Profile pages: step by step

Create profile page

Once you have set up your FREE account you will automatically be taken to the Create a Profile page. This has a form where you are able to fill out all the required details. 

You can also reach this by clicking on the ‘+ Create Profile Page’ button or by using this direct link. For more information on all the information you need to submit please refer to the Profile page features in the Profile pages section of our About & Info page

You can save a draft of your profile at any point and continue editing it when you are ready by accessing it here. Once you complete all the necessary fields, click on ‘Publish’ and your listing will be submitted.

This YouTube video on how to create your Profile page will show you the steps required.

profile page main

Before the Profile page is publicly available it requires review by our site admins. They will run necessary checks to ensure that everything is complete and there are no issues. You may receive a call from them if any questions arise. They will attempt to complete the reviews within 1 hour of the Profile page being submitted.

Note that you are able to edit the Profile page while in ‘pending’ status by going to your account dashboard and selecting the pen icon on the right side of the Profile page tile.

Once the Profile page review is complete, our admins will publish the Profile page and this will show on the search pages where these appear.

You will be notified by email once your Profile page has been published.


Manage your Profile page

To update or change any of the Profile page information you can go to the ‘Profile pages’ menu. There you will find a tile with your Profile page. 

The tile will show the Profile page status and have 2 icons to:

  • Edit the Profile page: [pencil icon] – this will take you to the filled out form, where you can update any of the required information.
  • View the Profile page: [eye icon] – this will take you to the Profile page as site visitors see it when they land on your page.

This YouTube video covers the management of the profile page.

At this stage only our admins are able to delete a Profile page. Please contact them if you wish for your Profile page to be deleted. 

Please email us with any questions. We are happy to help and will get in touch promptly.

Other functionality

Bookings and Orders

Bookings and Orders allow you to place an order on any services or products that the personal trainer offers. 

Note: Payments are not processed on the site and need to be managed offline when the product or service is delivered. 

You can create an order on a PT profile page by going to the Bookings tab

1. Go to bookings tab

Here you will see all services and products the PT offers on the platform.

You can select a service or product the PT offers. Some products allow for a quantity to be specified, so this can also be selected. When done you should see a summary of the order in the Order details section.

2. Select a service and qty required

After clicking on Continue you will need to enter your contact details and leave a message should you wish to. 

Finalise the order by clicking on Order Now.

3. enter details and book now

You will be taken to your Orders page, where you will see all orders you have placed, as well as their status. 

When an order is placed it will have a status of “Pending”. This will change to “Completed” once the PT has accepted the order.

4. Bookings and Orders page with pending

Each order allows you to send and receive further messages from the PT, so you can ask and answer any questions as required.

5. can send and receive messages


Collections allow users to save or bookmark trainer profiles. You can then go to your collection under your profile menu and access the saved items.

You can create a collection by clicking on the bookmark icon on any personal trainer profile page.

save to collection

You will be prompted to either chose an existing collection or create a new one. 

You can refer to this video to watch how to manage collections in action.

You can access the collections you have saved under the ‘Collections’ item in your account menu. To view the items in a collection, click on the collection title. To delete a collection, click on the ‘Delete collection’ button.


After clicking on a collection title, you will reach the page that contains all items saved to that collection. 

Follow trainers

You can follow trainers by clicking on the ‘Follow’ icon in the trainer Profile page. When you follow a trainer you will be notified each time they post an update on their wall. You can unfollow them as well.

follow trainers

Share trainer profile pages and articles

You can chose to share a trainer Profile page or an article to your own social media accounts by clicking on the ‘Share’ icon. This will open a list of sharing options, just select the one you require. A link to the post will be posted to the selected platform.
